The #1 Horsemanship Program in the World
If you truly love horses and have an interest in natural horse training, you’ll love the Parelli method of Natural Horsemanship - a holistic approach to natural horse training based on developing a natural relationship with your horse through understanding his/her nature and understanding the world from the horse's point of view.

One of the magical results of the Parelli natural horse training method is that your horse becomes willing to do what you ask, and your horse training problems are solved naturally and without force or punishment. You and your horse learn to work together in alignment with the horse's nature, which is why we call our approach Natural HorseManShip. Does the Parelli Natural Horse Training Method really work? Check out some inspiring horse training testimonials and decide for yourself!
The Savvy Club – Your Passport to Everything Parelli
For those who want to understand horses and learn the revolutionary Parelli Method of natural horse training, we have created The Savvy Club - named for the "horse savvy" skills we teach. Savvy Club members can learn the Parelli Natural Horse Training Method through at-home study programs, local clinics taught by Parelli-certified horse trainers, at Parelli horse training show events and by attending workshops at our horse training centers in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.

The Parelli Method and Mission
The Parelli Natural Horse Training Method is less a horse training program and more a method for teaching humans how to train horses using love, language and leadership. Our wider goal is to change the world for horses and the people who love them. We hope you will join the Savvy Club, and join us in making the world a better place for horses and horse lovers worldwide. (click the links below to go where you want)
Kaylee Olson
Future Parelli Professional